Visual art articles by title
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Defining Passion
Of all the photographers I have known, few exhibited the passion of Mary Lee Edwards.

Digital Art:
Austin Artists Pursue the Possibilities
by Cinque Hicks
If digital art really shares something with hip-hop, then it follows that there must be a vast reservoir of untapped potential in this art form.

Ethan Azarian on the Art of Ethan Azarian
Ethan Azarian: "I don't think I'm a great painter. I don't think I'm a great person. I just think it's great that I can paint and make a living from it."

The Fine Art of Commercialization by Ian Pedigo
When an artist's work symbolizes of a desirable image or place in life, its potential as a product increases as its appeal meets the interests of the viewer.

Flatbed Press
For ten years, Flatbed has been steadily publishing fine arts prints of high quality with unique style.

Current Issue 
Performance Art 
Visual Arts 

Galeria Sin Fronteras
Ever-present underneath the shadow of the "live music capital of the world," Galeria Sin Fronteras has managed to turn its weather vane towards a more lucid future.

An Interview with Michael Ray Charles
Michael Ray Charles: "I think my work has been to me an exploration of black and African American representation by African Americans or by others. It has also taken me to a critical point of advertising and its use of caricature, representations of blacks or African Americans in the 19th Century, and how those images or concepts remain in the present, in terms of their place in 20th and 21st century advertising."

An Interview with Tonya Engel
Tonya Engel: "To say that I am only an African American artist would limit myself. I want to be limitless. I don't want to put myself in a corner or attach any labels to my art. I'm just an artist."

Interview with Liz Guenthner
Coffee house art is mostly from those slavish to the good old avant-garde of slap paint abstract expressionism or the rude mechanics of constructivist found object neo-gothics. But occasionally, something damn interesting and moving gets hung.

An Interview with Jean Hospod
She leads me to the back, to her studio. The door opens and I feel as though I've stepped through a physical texture as I cross the threshold. Colors explode with salon style work, framed and un-hung like a puzzle being formed on a chessboard. And in the center rests a battered easel and well-worn stool.

An Interview with Deborah Roberts
Deborah Roberts: "Being a visual artist is important because if you have something to say, you should speak out, you should do it."

Jazz Photography Takes Spotlight
Alan Pappe and Grace McEvoy present black and white photos from their Jazz Fest '95 archives to celebrate Austin's jazz tradition.

"Liberated Voices" at the Austin Museum of Art
I wondered to what degree the modern art of a country whose apartheid policies kept it in constant turmoil and isolated from cultural centers would be provincial in nature, and I was curious as to what subjects post-apartheid artists would address.

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