Defining Passion


by Neil Coleman

Passion: an emotion that is deeply stirring, a strong desire for or devotion to an activity, thing or person. For as many people there are in the world, there are just as many types of passion. Some are drawn to physical activities, such as sports; others show enthusiasm over music, or zeal towards a cause or campaign.

Photography is my passion. I share my passion with everyone -- including other photographers. All of these photographers are driven. Driven by the gratification of magically capturing a moment in time. Of defining an action, an emotion, a place. Sometimes the defining moment is decisive, sometimes planned, other times accidental. But all those moments share that special the art of photography.

photo 5 women in blackOf all the photographers I have known, few exhibited the passion of Mary Lee Edwards. Her imagery went from gritty and haunting to heart warming and humorous. The essence of Mary Lee's art shone through the strength of her personal connection with the subjects. This intimacy was expressed not only by her powerful photography but also by the thought-provoking poetry she wrote. This photo-poem collage created a wonderfully unique visual philosophic result. An example is Mary Lee's "Five Women in Black."

Mary Lee, warrior photographer poet. She mixed toughness with vulnerability. She drew on her own experiences as a woman, a mother and divorcee.

photo this is me A portrait of her early life is summed up in a piece entitled "This is Me."

The photo a self-portrait of a dazed Mary Lee standing among the burnt out remains of a home, alone, with a skillet in one hand, spoon in the other.

Although the passion in Mary Lee's photography and poetry were great, my admiration and respect for her came from her ability to get up from the burnt remains and meet all the challenges that she encountered in life. Her stoicism and humor survived through her battle with terminal illness. She never was one to dwell on her illness, never wanted to be asked how she was feeling, instead she sought out the people who could make her laugh the hardest.

Even though Mary Lee has left us, we still have the haunting images, the poignant poetry and the memory of her bravery to remind us how important it is to have passion in your life.

"When suddenly there is not an unlimited amount of time, nor and endless array of possibilities, it's not so much what you have accomplished you think about, but how much time you have wasted. Wasted on the frivolous, the vain, the (worry)"---Mary Lee Edwards

This world lost Mary Lee Edwards on February 2, 2001. For information on her work contact Neil Coleman at Pro-Jex Gallery, (512) 472-7707, 1705 Guadalupe Street #122, Austin TX 78701.


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