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Gallery's Grant to Fund Educational Services
The Center for Women and Their Work recently celebrated its 21st birthday. Perhaps the best birthday gift came from the National Endowment for the Arts (NEA) in the form of a $35,000 grant.

Free Radio Movement
Free Radio Austin is an ever-changing collective of individuals, dedicated to reclaiming the "people's property": our public airwaves.

How I Spent My Summer
Imagine yourself in a 6' x 8' cell. The fluorescent lighting in the cell would send any interior decorator into orbit. The cell contains a bed, a chair, a basin, and a toilet.

An Idea is Worth...
Artists' Coaalition of Austin teams up with Opening Closed Doors to better educate the community, serve artists and reach those in need.

Regardless of what kind of media is new, global and hip, there is a certain amount of satisfaction in unwinding this story of the the reality surrounding publications that fashion themselves in newsprint while creating alternative content.

Current Issue 
Performance Art 
Visual Arts 

It's All About the People
Even if it's not money you're giving, there is always something you can do such as donate time and a warm body to perpetuate the things that make our lives more livable.

KAZI Aims for the Listeners, Not the Money
Do what you love and success will follow. This is a maxim that both KAZI 88.7 and its general manager, Steve Savage, have proven a truism.

Latino Arts Community Finds a Home
Two streets south of Cesar Chavez and just west of Interstate 35, a half-empty lot with a warehouse and a pair of ramshackle, mostly abandoned office buildings has found its way onto Austin's cultural map.

Local Government and the Arts
In the spirit of Austin's election season, during which Austinites will pound their way to the polls and voting booths and decide who should be Mayor and what not, Austin Downtown Arts decided to question our potential City Council members and our potential might-be Mayors and discover their views on the subject of the Arts and Downtown.

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