To Live in Teotihuacán


by Erika González

I want to live in Teotihuacán
to have the Aztec pyramids
in my backyard

I want tour guides as my neighbors
in colorful houses with wet laundry
hanging on wires --
wet chones exposed under the melting sun

I want to love the imperfections of
people with no credit cards and
dance barefoot in cantinas
where the music is always live

I want to sing with people
who are the color of the earth
until the pajaritos fly away with envy
Cry at church for no reason
and not receive stares.

I want to live in Teotihuacán really live without making a real living

Wear flowers in my hair
create a collage of couples kissing on the streets
and play La Raspa de Limón with children
that have two last names

I want to live in Teotihuacán
where mujeres are strong and feminine
and men are still men


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