

by Saundra Fleming

My feet were higher than my head
When I dropped, edges touched all around me
Diamonds must have framed this sparkly
Meaning was clean in the space between a
voice and its moving away
Later this forest ape read
She read things
Smoothly the world spun its lakes and
ranches around itself
Superballs, fridges, soap suds, and little
kiddles formed the x and y axis
When truth was love
And kids were then always dreaming
Kids over there, everywhere
Kids flying in the cool air
Dreaming in god and in the grass
And when it all happened, it was an
inexpressible sweetness
That same voice drafted and architecture of
"If you remember, come to me," somebody
Who could forget so completely?
A place of blood with love
A place where desire is not particle, field
nor form anymore


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