the wind i live in


by Ricardo Acevedo

....and jazz blows through the wind I live in... It smells of the sweat of free thought america. I breath jazz life robust, with rhythm and rhyme smack of aural languid coil not biting unexpected, contagious, wanted, only toxic to anything that doesn't move you through the air that blows jazz from every corner to the center of groove, that groove witch we all sprang from, a well spring of hips moving giving birth to time beings restructured into rolling numbers of sensations embracing the sinuous grip of groove beat drug trance that you can't walk away from you can only slink, skip, writhe, bop but not walk, jump, bump, shamble, but not walk, ahead.... wonders off into smoke filled bottles of swim-liquid room treading knee pivot cool, dripping you into your chair... you slush, absorb notes so blue you drown into red choral interaction of man and horn carved out by hands slapping skin and gut slick floating, read this loss of air sent back to the surface, exploding on the surface, the surface of your skin....Billie poetry whispers wet lipped seashell rushes into no space other than the sound of her voice...she taunts with the truth of a dream... guitar weaving a cats cradle to rock you into a wide awake trance as the bass cracks my back and drums my fingers and groin, rolling eyes like craps about the room of serpent sultry six and nine pleasure spiral of a wager returned by the motion of an arm releasing into the space between....but no gamble here, only sure fire winners casting a die into the past where groove pays 10 to 1... lickety split porch stooping blackman weaving on guitar a blanket to keep him warm from the numbing of kuntuky delta backwood usury crack whip time beating him blue and soulful, the hues bruise deep into time passing cultural shared pain and shame to redeem us all- lifting spirits into a gospel of community sing wafting through bayou moss and willow to stroke those dark forearms to hug with the of rhythm and blues worn in dungarees fading into comfort of trial fit into circle that returns the blue to the heart to be remixed into the purple of the passiopn we share.....


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