

by Daniel Davis Clayton


We all face the limits of our existence
            and become one with them.

      We sit around in a circle. Staring at one another; awaiiWe study our
   similarities, either praise or speak ill of our differences, and we sit. Waiting.
No one moves.

I sit and write. Staring at others, recording their reactions. I study our similarities,
either praise or speak ill of our faults, and I wait. Writing.
No one moves.

I write of myself. Shielding emotions from others, masking my reactions. I study my
   thoughts, either enforcing or disregarding them as I sit. Thinking. No one moves.

      We rot in this circle. Watching others decompose, not realizing our own body's
         reaction. We study the situation, either praise or speak ill of each theory as we rot.
                                                                              A cure is found,

   but none

For twenty years I've sat in this circle.
Here our bodies rot though we live on forever.
      Open my diary.

                              And become one.


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