

by Greg Stant

Waiting for god.
I stop breath, light a cigarette
Someone pushes me
I fall over.
A fat Russ.
All of the
all-of-me's spill out
They must be waiting for god, too.

Cause when god arrives
god's less than
god's been marked up
god's a rain check
god's got lactose intolerance
god's been stepped on
I've paid too damn much for god

The hours I've invested
without a thought in my head
taste like that time
I got laid
My partners skin
like sucking on pennies when your really
and all you have is this moment
so genuine and tender
but it's acid pennies stuffed in your mouth.
god don't answer when you pray
I thought of that time I got laid
It's supposed to be so good
Pennies from heaven
trying to put the little wooden figures back
trying to replace intestine
with a finger
and get this taste out of my mouth


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