The Moment


by Jeff Darling

It came without notice unaware, It was pale and lovely like a small child

When it knocked gentle smile emerged from the face, like a cool endless dream

Peaceful the messenger

Always blissful and funny times it chooses, there were brooding signs, but neglected like fate itself

Forewarned, but enjoyed its presence, not fearful but welcoming

How was your world, were you at peace/content, were the stars shining on your face?

The perilous journey makes Saints of all us ordinary Sinners

Enables us to fly with wings of an Angel, in the freedom domain we are all the same

No more pain or regret, no more portraying games, like the Hyacinth when it rains

When it arrived the sky arose distant blue, the earth sighed, but the sun seemed to smile

He's our friend, sanity he brings, nearing the fortress gate

Like a distant memory, we cherish the internal slumber, we are now greater in number

My final rest will bring joy to the masses, release their downtrodden burden

To go on the walk alone would be unworthy, maybe with my painted tribe

The trees and animals sensed the day would have no dawn

Close your eyes and reminisce of the years longevity

Here the white light and red fire reign in a fetus womb

Like the undiluted fragile mind of a newborn untouched and before corruption

The omniscient observer, the electric navigator, savage pilot, knows and sees all, determines fate

Here we all go, here we all stay as one, we're all the same now

Have no fear and shed no tears, but enjoy the sacred ancient moment in the crooning sun

This is their time

I will walk away, go the other way, I won't go                   yet...?

Decorate mine with flowers, friends, and love from her.


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