Glory Train


by Kelli Ford

I was crazy
     to call you last night
     knowing that half truth
         that you would not answer
and scared of the other
         that you would
and you did
         a looney 4 am
   "How ya' doin'?"
Sleepy smiles, "What are you doin' awake?"
    "Why didn't you call?"
"I was going to...tomorrow."
          I don't belive you
but don't care in my desperate delirium.
     "Why'd you make me suffer?"
"You suffered?"
      "Well, no, I missed you a little."

I was crazy to call
       sacrificing my seat
        on the Glory Train
to eternity
   for a few rushed moments
with you
      knowing we left our
Glory long gone behind us
   next to the blaring cableless T.V.,
my soundly sleeping body,
    the Amsterdam Ave. Hostel,
and an all night jam session
           at Small's

But the Glory Train just
       ain't bright enough tonight
and I can't even hear it's horn
       over the drunken laughter from the next room
and the sound of my feet tappin' all around.
It seems it just can't get
        here fast enough for me -- that ole' train --
not near as fast as you can anyway
        from just across town.

Yeah, I was crazy for callin'
               but you,
you're twice crazy for comin'
    at 4 am to knock on my door
no booty call here
     just some toes long since tapped out
and some arms worn
     to the bone
 from holdin' their own..
I need you tonight like I needed you
(sad lazy heart too spoiled to love on its own)

You're crazy for comin'. 
   Because you know all of this...
How far I came before lettin' it all go tonight.
     every phone call didn't
        put hope in my heart (the sad lazy thing) that it was you
and I didn't even think about
     where you were playin' last night before I rang.
I went on vacation without you
      and didn't even get you a gift....
Well, not much of one anyway.

You know you're crazy for comin'.
    Just as I know I'm crazy for callin'.
Startin' nothin' all over again
    for you to duck away from
and me to turn first
    to red wine and pretty boy faces
and then back to my knees (all prayed out)
and tonight
    back to you.
Startin' nothin' all over again.

C'mon Glory Train!


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