Beat Reading


by Courtenay Nearburg

Oh, for the O-Jazz-O!
Fathers and brothers sing steamy
Lounge acts for the underaged
Melodies for masses of symbiotic
Symbol-hungry sweaty tear-stained
Teenagers anonymous
Bosch-inspired youth

Digging the philosophy
Quizzical questions
Reciting passages through
Time apparent
An inherent discipline
With no plan
No lack of fear
But to hear of reality!
Fading sunlight jaded by clouds
They exclaim loudly,
Let it Be!

And then, Get Real!
Real compared to me?
What exactly donchya mean?
Real, compared to what?
Seeming reality, teeming
With sound judgment
Sacred covenants, and oaths
Allegiance to the time
Already passed
An ornamental allegory
For the real story?
What would you like me to see?


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