

by Michele Walker

A woman is a series of ironic dualities,
     complexities, wishes and individualities.
She timidly walks with a boldness all her own
     to take on the future, scared of the unknown.
She searches for her ruler which only she can rule;
     Determined in strength for a chance to be weak.

Shaping and molding comes from inner steel,
by can easily crack by the slightest abrasion.

Depending on independence she learns the hard way,
     vulnerability, sacrifice and self-assessing
There is not a creature so selfless in love,
     but a woman.
However, she endures to reach for the selfish goal of love.

Ask her yourself, she'll give the answer,
     which no one knows to be true, not even her.
Her entirety is a constant state of flux,
     this metamorphosis so continual
     that there is no beginning or end.
The battle lies between emotion and readon,
     the age-old war between nature and nurture.


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