www.Based on a True Story.com


by Courtenay Nearburg

An accident happened
      Lightening fast
            It crashed my monitor
      And I collapsed
            manic, screaming
Dreaming, sleepless
      I became a scene
            From the movie
                  A version of the truth
            Based on a story
                  I wrote for you
      I wanted to record it
            But I wasn't fast enough
                  I couldn't follow the directions
                        And the equipment broke
                              Blasted by my synapses
                  I'm sorry you missed it
                        It was quite a trip
                              If you'd seen it
                                    You might believe me
                              I'm an animated actor
                                    An exquisite dreamer
                                          and I was trying to create
                                                some focused hocus-pocus
                                                      To be experienced
                                                            By you


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