Placebo African Man


by Daniel Clayton

They always seem to find one.3

Some super happy hypocritical Negro
showing every tooth and gap
unconked hair but not a nap.
He's all Johnny Appleseed and Uncle Sam
did I forget to mention Tom
quick to do us wrong
with his prestigious degree
(pure bred pedigree).

He's the Republican right wing white thing
can't tell me why the caged bird sings
though perhaps his cousins could.

He lives at 90210 Hollywood, dream land
I can't stand
    this pseudo African

        kiss my

Where the hell
    is the post-modern male?

        Don L.
            Lee at
                    Lane chillin'.
                    While he's
                at the
            country club

He always seems to contradict the masses' dreams.
We say one thing
    he retaliates and gleams...

And they always seem to find one.


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