Never-Mind Eyes


by Courtenay Nearburg

An expression of mine, I wear it sometimes
    Tight-lipped, I'm always trying to cry
Nothing really ever happens that way
    Mine become empty never-mind eyes

I'm illuminated in some shining denial
    I'm caught in this, a lonely crime
He's stolen my comfort in echoing darkness
    Filched my pleasure from the lonesome night

Of course, I want him, my desire claims
    I want to meet that clever thief
The one who treasures my shining shame
    The prowler in my kingdom of grief

    But I think he's only in my imagination
    An actor in my waking dream
An elusive illusion from daydream delusion
    A shadow that can never escape me

I can only see him in a clear blue pool
    One made by taking rain from the sky
And pouring it gently into my soul
    Soothing mine, these never-mind eyes

        Soothing mine
            these never-mind eyes


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