Let's Populate the Planet Tango


by Stazja McFayden

love, the musical maestro
conducting affairs of the heart
since first Saturday night date
of the human race
stepping out of the cave
first neandrethal fred astaire
grabbed his ginger by the hair
his way of asking
may I have this dance?
dragged her out on
the dirtball dance floor
stomped and trompled her toes
doing the "hey, baby!
let's populate the planet tango"

love, a rhythm section percussionist
pounding blood in the veins
midnight cat prowlers
making the night scene
snapping their pool hall fingers
tapping their bar stool feet
grooving to timeless beat
beautiful women
wearing i'm ready dresses
drumming love me s.o.s.'es
men sporting leather jackets
stencilled on the back
i'm no good but I want you
tonight world tour
same old standard, new rendition
doing the "hey, baby!
let's populate the planet tango"


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